religion|religions in English


[re·li·gion || rɪ'lɪdʒən]

collection of beliefs concerning the origin of man and the universe, faith

Use "religion|religions" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "religion|religions" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "religion|religions", or refer to the context using the word "religion|religions" in the English Dictionary.

1. He lets his thoughts amble on Odes et Ballades (Odes and Ballads), Les quatre Vents de l’Esprit (The Four Winds of the Spirit), Le Pape (The Pope), La Pitié suprême (Supreme Mercy), Religions et Religion (Religions and Religion), L’Âne (The Donkey), Toute la Lyre (The Whole Lyre), Dernière Gerbe (Last Gleanings) but he swore that "the most beautiful books written by this great genius are Les Contemplations (Contemplations), La Légende des siècles (The Legend of the Ages), La Fin de Satan (The End of Satan) and Dieu (God)."